Over the years we have grown extremely familiar with trends in 3rd party audience segmentation and data management. We have provided integrations to our clients for almost every major player in the game and ultimately we were left disappointed with the results. We set out on a journey to develop arguably the most valuable audience in the world, home buyers. The Meteora geofencing technology fits perfectly into our strategy to find and filter credit-worthy home buyers.
Our team created a list of every model home split out by builder and community.
We then geofenced each location and applied extremely strict location boundaries so we only capture shopper devices.
Meteora then looks up other devices each shopper has in their household (Laptops, Tablets, Mobile devices, TVs).
We look at users’ behavior across all devices based on their location and then we use machine learning to search for other buyers with similar traits in your target advertising area.
We even let you upload your previous home purchasers so our algorithms can become smarter at distinguishing ideal buyers for your brand.
We then draw geofences for your own inventory and future homes.
Our system targets users from the expanded audience who Experian reports to be likely to afford one of your homes.
The final audience can be used in Meteora to target mobile ads, and desktop ads, or you can send your custom audience to 3rd parties such as Facebook.